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Check the syntactic & scientific validity of a model name. Returns the model name if it's valid, otherwise gives an error





character string identifying the model features. Use mm_name to create a valid name based on desired attributes, or mm_valid_names to see all valid names. Two alternatives to the names given by mm_valid_names() are also accepted: (1) a model type as accepted by the type argument to mm_name, which will be used to create the default model name for that model type, or (2) a full model file path for custom Bayesian models, as long as basename(model_name) can still be parsed correctly with mm_parse_name() and the file exists. In that case the file may be specified either as a file path relative to the streamMetabolizer models directory (the first assumption; this directory can be found with system.file("models", package="streamMetabolizer")) or as an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory (the second assumption, if the first assumption turns up no files of the given name).


#> [1] "b_np_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan"
if (FALSE) {
mm_validate_name("b_np_oipn") # throws error