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Returns a data.frame with one column per model structure detail and one row per `model_name` supplied to this function. See ?mm_name for a description of each of the data.frame columns that is returned.


mm_parse_name(model_name, expand = FALSE)



character: the model name


logical: should additional columns such as model_name and pool_K600_type be added? If expand=TRUE then the result cannot be passed directly back into mm_name, but the additional columns may be helpful for interpreting the model structure.


Custom model files (for MCMC) may have additional characters after an underscore at the end of the name and before the prefix. For example, 'b_np_pcpi_eu_ko.stan' and 'b_np_pcpi_eu_ko_v2.stan' are parsed the same; the _v2 is ignored by this function.

See also

The converse of this function is mm_name.


mm_parse_name(c(mm_name('mle'), mm_name('night'), mm_name('bayes')))
#>    type pool_K600 err_obs_iid err_proc_acor err_proc_iid err_proc_GPP
#> 1   mle      none        TRUE         FALSE        FALSE        FALSE
#> 2 night      none       FALSE         FALSE         TRUE        FALSE
#> 3 bayes      none        TRUE         FALSE         TRUE        FALSE
#>   ode_method  GPP_fun   ER_fun   deficit_src engine
#> 1  trapezoid linlight constant        DO_mod    nlm
#> 2      euler       NA constant DO_obs_filter     lm
#> 3  trapezoid linlight constant        DO_mod   stan
mm_parse_name(c(mm_name('mle'), mm_name('night'), mm_name('bayes')), expand=TRUE)
#>                 model_name  type pool_K600 pool_K600_type pool_K600_sd
#> 1    m_np_oi_tr_plrckm.nlm   mle      none           none        fixed
#> 2       n_np_pi_eu_rckf.lm night      none           none        fixed
#> 3 b_np_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan bayes      none           none        fixed
#>   err_obs_iid err_proc_acor err_proc_iid err_proc_GPP ode_method  GPP_fun
#> 1        TRUE         FALSE        FALSE        FALSE  trapezoid linlight
#> 2       FALSE         FALSE         TRUE        FALSE      euler       NA
#> 3        TRUE         FALSE         TRUE        FALSE  trapezoid linlight
#>     ER_fun   deficit_src engine
#> 1 constant        DO_mod    nlm
#> 2 constant DO_obs_filter     lm
#> 3 constant        DO_mod   stan