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This tutorial shows how to estimate stream metabolism using streamMetabolizer and some example data supplied by Bob Hall for French Creek in Laramie, WY.

There are four steps to fitting a metabolism model in streamMetabolizer.

  1. Prepare and inspect the input data.
  2. Choose a model configuration appropriate to your data.
  3. Fit the model.
  4. Inspect the output.

In this tutorial we will demonstrate these steps for a single model structure and a single set of specifications, but you should also consider other structures and should always tailor the specifications to your dataset and site knowledge. For more details, see:


If you haven’t already installed the package, see the Installation tutorial.

Next load the R libraries. Only streamMetabolizer is required to run models, but we’ll also be using dplyr to inspect the results.

1. Preparing the input data

Load a small example dataset from the package (data are from French Creek in Laramie, WY, courtesy of Bob Hall). We’ll use the streamMetabolizer standard in defining our day to run from 4 am (day_start=4) to 4 am (day_end=28).

dat <- data_metab(num_days='3', res='15', day_start=4, day_end=28)

See the ?metab help document and the Data Preparation tutorial for more on how to properly format and inspect a dataset.

2. Configuring the model

There are two steps to configuring a metabolism model in streamMetabolizer.

  1. Identify the name of the model structure you want using mm_name().
  2. Set the specifications for the model using defaults fromspecs() as a starting point.

2a. Choose a model structure

For this example, we will specify a Bayesian model with both observation error and process error. We won’t pool K600 here because we don’t have many days of data, but pooling is one feature that makes Bayesian models better than MLE models in general. Another great feature of Bayesian models is that they produce more accurate and nuanced confidence intervals.

bayes_name <- mm_name(type='bayes', pool_K600='none', err_obs_iid=TRUE, err_proc_iid=TRUE)
## [1] "b_np_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan"

2b. Set the specifications

We now pass the model name to specs() to get a list of default specifications for this model.

bayes_specs <- specs(bayes_name)
## Model specifications:
##   model_name               b_np_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan                             
##   engine                   stan                                                 
##   split_dates              FALSE                                                
##   keep_mcmcs               TRUE                                                 
##   keep_mcmc_data           TRUE                                                 
##   day_start                4                                                    
##   day_end                  28                                                   
##   day_tests                full_day, even_timesteps, complete_data, pos_disch...
##   required_timestep        NA                                                   
##   GPP_daily_mu             3.1                                                  
##   GPP_daily_lower          -Inf                                                 
##   GPP_daily_sigma          6                                                    
##   ER_daily_mu              -7.1                                                 
##   ER_daily_upper           Inf                                                  
##   ER_daily_sigma           7.1                                                  
##   K600_daily_meanlog       2.484906649788                                       
##   K600_daily_sdlog         1                                                    
##   err_obs_iid_sigma_scale  0.03                                                 
##   err_proc_iid_sigma_scale 5                                                    
##   params_in                GPP_daily_mu, GPP_daily_lower, GPP_daily_sigma, ER...
##   params_out               GPP, ER, DO_R2, GPP_daily, ER_daily, K600_daily, e...
##   n_chains                 4                                                    
##   n_cores                  4                                                    
##   burnin_steps             500                                                  
##   saved_steps              500                                                  
##   thin_steps               1                                                    
##   verbose                  FALSE

At this point we can alter some of the specifications if desired.

# one way to alter specifications: call specs() again
bayes_specs <- specs(bayes_name, burnin_steps=100, saved_steps=200, n_cores=1, GPP_daily_mu=3, GPP_daily_sigma=2)
# another way: use revise()
bayes_specs <- revise(bayes_specs, burnin_steps=100, saved_steps=200, n_cores=1, GPP_daily_mu=3, GPP_daily_sigma=2)

Here I’ve used a very small number of burnin_steps and saved_steps because I don’t want to wait long for the vignette to run. When you run your own models, you should bump those numbers up substantially (to several thousand or so, depending on exactly which model you’re using.)

Other Bayesian model specifications will also need your close attention when you’re running your own models. See Bayesian Models for details.

3. Fitting the model

Once a model has been configured, you can fit the model to data with metab(). Bayesian models take a while to run, so be patient. Or switch to an MLE model if you can afford to sacrifice some accuracy for speed. (This small example usually takes about 30 seconds on my computer.)

mm <- metab(bayes_specs, data=dat)

4. Inspecting the model

Once you’ve fit a model, you can inspect the output with functions including predict_metab() and plot_metab_preds(), predict_DO() and plot_DO_preds(), get_params(), and get_fit().

Start by simply printing the model to the console.

## metab_model of type metab_bayes 
## streamMetabolizer version 0.12.1 
## Specifications:
##   model_name               b_np_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan                             
##   engine                   stan                                                 
##   split_dates              FALSE                                                
##   keep_mcmcs               TRUE                                                 
##   keep_mcmc_data           TRUE                                                 
##   day_start                4                                                    
##   day_end                  28                                                   
##   day_tests                full_day, even_timesteps, complete_data, pos_disch...
##   required_timestep        NA                                                   
##   GPP_daily_mu             3                                                    
##   GPP_daily_lower          -Inf                                                 
##   GPP_daily_sigma          2                                                    
##   ER_daily_mu              -7.1                                                 
##   ER_daily_upper           Inf                                                  
##   ER_daily_sigma           7.1                                                  
##   K600_daily_meanlog       2.484906649788                                       
##   K600_daily_sdlog         1                                                    
##   err_obs_iid_sigma_scale  0.03                                                 
##   err_proc_iid_sigma_scale 5                                                    
##   params_in                GPP_daily_mu, GPP_daily_lower, GPP_daily_sigma, ER...
##   params_out               GPP, ER, DO_R2, GPP_daily, ER_daily, K600_daily, e...
##   n_chains                 4                                                    
##   n_cores                  1                                                    
##   burnin_steps             100                                                  
##   saved_steps              200                                                  
##   thin_steps               1                                                    
##   verbose                  FALSE                                                
##   model_path               /private/var/folders/_0/fbg0ffkj6z3fb_7jvm8wg86s81...
## Fitting time: 19.66 secs elapsed
## Parameters (3 dates):
##         date GPP.daily GPP.daily.lower GPP.daily.upper   ER.daily
## 1 2012-09-18 5.573649       -0.1410918        7.259060 -4.267688 
## 2 2012-09-19 3.191503       -0.2813929       10.037324 -2.454561 
## 3 2012-09-20 3.806921       -0.2556618        7.123052 -2.693674 
##   ER.daily.lower ER.daily.upper K600.daily K600.daily.lower K600.daily.upper
## 1      -6.028402      0.3099591  56.90414         2.2314706         73.82301
## 2      -7.968363      0.5319808  31.84568         1.3156141         92.78600
## 3      -5.362254      0.4827049  39.74744         0.7490546         72.03294
## 1  w      
## 2  w      
## 3  w      
## Fitting warnings:
##   There were 4 chains where the estimated Bayesian Fraction of Missing Information was low. See
##   Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
##   The largest R-hat is 3.48, indicating chains have not mixed.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
##   Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
##   Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
## Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
##   3 dates: overall warnings
## Predictions (3 dates):
## # A tibble: 3 × 9
##   date         GPP GPP.lower GPP.upper    ER ER.lower ER.upper 
##   <date>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    
## 1 2012-09-18  5.57    -0.141      7.26 -4.27    -6.03    0.310 "w      "
## 2 2012-09-19  3.19    -0.281     10.0  -2.45    -7.97    0.532 "w      "
## 3 2012-09-20  3.81    -0.256      7.12 -2.69    -5.36    0.483 "w      "
## # ℹ 1 more variable: msgs.pred <chr>

Here are the daily metabolism predictions from the model:

## # A tibble: 3 × 10
##   date         GPP GPP.lower GPP.upper    ER ER.lower ER.upper warnings
##   <date>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 2012-09-18  5.57    -0.141      7.26 -4.27    -6.03    0.310 "w     … ""      
## 2 2012-09-19  3.19    -0.281     10.0  -2.45    -7.97    0.532 "w     … ""      
## 3 2012-09-20  3.81    -0.256      7.12 -2.69    -5.36    0.483 "w     … ""      
## # ℹ 1 more variable: errors <chr>

You can inspect more of the fitted daily parameters, including K600, with get_params():

## # A tibble: 3 × 9
##   date       GPP.daily ER.daily K600.daily
##   <date>         <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 2012-09-18      4.07         2.69    -3.20        2.18       42.5
## 2 2012-09-19      4.08         3.31    -3.22        2.69       39.7
## 3 2012-09-20      3.01         1.99    -2.14        1.52       32.2
## # ℹ 3 more variables: <dbl>, warnings <chr>, errors <chr>

Here are the first few dissolved oxygen predictions from the model (DO.mod). They are returned along with the input data for convenience.

    date          solar.time DO.obs   DO.sat depth temp.water light

1 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:05:58 8.41 9.083329 0.16 3.60 0 2 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:20:58 8.42 9.093063 0.16 3.56 0 3 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:35:58 8.42 9.105254 0.16 3.51 0 4 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:50:58 8.43 9.112582 0.16 3.48 0 5 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 05:05:58 8.45 9.127267 0.16 3.42 0 6 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 05:20:58 8.46 9.137079 0.16 3.38 0 DO.mod 1 8.410000 2 8.406979 3 8.407403 4 8.410073 5 8.414697 6 8.421057

And here are the dissolved oxygen predictions in a figure:

For Bayesian models only, you can dig even deeper using get_mcmc, which returns a stanfit object that can be inspected using the rstan package. (These traceplots are pretty bad because we used so few MCMC iterations. You should strive for better in your final models.)

mcmc <- get_mcmc(mm)
rstan::traceplot(mcmc, pars='K600_daily', nrow=3)

The get_fit() function returns a list of data.frames, one per temporal resolution, containing all fitted values and details about their distributions and convergence. Here are just the overall metrics of model convergence (Rhats, or potential scale reduction statistics; see Gelman and Rubin 1992 or Brooks and Gelman 1998):

get_fit(mm)$overall %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##   err_obs_iid_sigma_Rhat err_proc_iid_sigma_Rhat lp___Rhat
##                    <dbl>                   <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1                   2.77                    2.79      4.16

And here is a list of all column names available through get_fit():

get_fit(mm) %>%
## $daily
##  [1] "date"               "GPP_mean"           "GPP_se_mean"       
##  [4] "GPP_sd"             "GPP_2.5pct"         "GPP_25pct"         
##  [7] "GPP_50pct"          "GPP_75pct"          "GPP_97.5pct"       
## [10] "GPP_n_eff"          "GPP_Rhat"           "ER_mean"           
## [13] "ER_se_mean"         "ER_sd"              "ER_2.5pct"         
## [16] "ER_25pct"           "ER_50pct"           "ER_75pct"          
## [19] "ER_97.5pct"         "ER_n_eff"           "ER_Rhat"           
## [22] "DO_R2_mean"         "DO_R2_se_mean"      "DO_R2_sd"          
## [25] "DO_R2_2.5pct"       "DO_R2_25pct"        "DO_R2_50pct"       
## [28] "DO_R2_75pct"        "DO_R2_97.5pct"      "DO_R2_n_eff"       
## [31] "DO_R2_Rhat"         "GPP_daily_mean"     "GPP_daily_se_mean" 
## [34] "GPP_daily_sd"       "GPP_daily_2.5pct"   "GPP_daily_25pct"   
## [37] "GPP_daily_50pct"    "GPP_daily_75pct"    "GPP_daily_97.5pct" 
## [40] "GPP_daily_n_eff"    "GPP_daily_Rhat"     "ER_daily_mean"     
## [43] "ER_daily_se_mean"   "ER_daily_sd"        "ER_daily_2.5pct"   
## [46] "ER_daily_25pct"     "ER_daily_50pct"     "ER_daily_75pct"    
## [49] "ER_daily_97.5pct"   "ER_daily_n_eff"     "ER_daily_Rhat"     
## [52] "K600_daily_mean"    "K600_daily_se_mean" "K600_daily_sd"     
## [55] "K600_daily_2.5pct"  "K600_daily_25pct"   "K600_daily_50pct"  
## [58] "K600_daily_75pct"   "K600_daily_97.5pct" "K600_daily_n_eff"  
## [61] "K600_daily_Rhat"    "valid_day"          "warnings"          
## [64] "errors"            
## $inst
##  [1] "date"                 "solar.time"           "err_obs_iid_mean"    
##  [4] "err_obs_iid_se_mean"  "err_obs_iid_sd"       "err_obs_iid_2.5pct"  
##  [7] "err_obs_iid_25pct"    "err_obs_iid_50pct"    "err_obs_iid_75pct"   
## [10] "err_obs_iid_97.5pct"  "err_obs_iid_n_eff"    "err_obs_iid_Rhat"    
## [13] "err_proc_iid_mean"    "err_proc_iid_se_mean" "err_proc_iid_sd"     
## [16] "err_proc_iid_2.5pct"  "err_proc_iid_25pct"   "err_proc_iid_50pct"  
## [19] "err_proc_iid_75pct"   "err_proc_iid_97.5pct" "err_proc_iid_n_eff"  
## [22] "err_proc_iid_Rhat"   
## $overall
##  [1] "date_index"                 "time_index"                
##  [3] "index"                      "err_obs_iid_sigma_mean"    
##  [5] "err_obs_iid_sigma_se_mean"  "err_obs_iid_sigma_sd"      
##  [7] "err_obs_iid_sigma_2.5pct"   "err_obs_iid_sigma_25pct"   
##  [9] "err_obs_iid_sigma_50pct"    "err_obs_iid_sigma_75pct"   
## [11] "err_obs_iid_sigma_97.5pct"  "err_obs_iid_sigma_n_eff"   
## [13] "err_obs_iid_sigma_Rhat"     "err_proc_iid_sigma_mean"   
## [15] "err_proc_iid_sigma_se_mean" "err_proc_iid_sigma_sd"     
## [17] "err_proc_iid_sigma_2.5pct"  "err_proc_iid_sigma_25pct"  
## [19] "err_proc_iid_sigma_50pct"   "err_proc_iid_sigma_75pct"  
## [21] "err_proc_iid_sigma_97.5pct" "err_proc_iid_sigma_n_eff"  
## [23] "err_proc_iid_sigma_Rhat"    "lp___mean"                 
## [25] "lp___se_mean"               "lp___sd"                   
## [27] "lp___2.5pct"                "lp___25pct"                
## [29] "lp___50pct"                 "lp___75pct"                
## [31] "lp___97.5pct"               "lp___n_eff"                
## [33] "lp___Rhat"                 
## $warnings
## $errors

You’re on your way!