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This vignette demonstrates a few of the options for relating GPP and ER to light and/or temperature.


Load streamMetabolizer and dplyr.

Get some data to work with: here we’re requesting three days of data at 15-minute resolution. Thanks to Bob Hall for the test data.

dat <- data_metab('3', '15')

GPP and ER functions

Here’s a basic model with GPP proportional to light and ER constant over time.

# the Classic: linear GPP, constant ER (also the default)
mm_classic <- 
  mm_name('mle', GPP_fun='linlight', ER_fun='constant') %>% 
  specs() %>%
## metab_model of type metab_mle 
## streamMetabolizer version 0.12.1 
## Specifications:
##   model_name        m_np_oi_tr_plrckm.nlm                                            
##   day_start         4                                                                
##   day_end           28                                                               
##   day_tests         full_day, even_timesteps, complete_data, pos_discharge, pos_depth
##   required_timestep NA                                                               
##   init.GPP.daily    8                                                                
##   init.ER.daily     -10                                                              
##   init.K600.daily   10                                                               
## Fitting time: 1.565 secs elapsed
## Parameters (3 dates):
##         date GPP.daily GPP.daily.lower GPP.daily.upper   ER.daily ER.daily.lower ER.daily.upper
## 1 2012-09-18 2.814873         2.158410        3.471335 -2.113937       -2.647969      -1.579906
## 2 2012-09-19 3.271209         2.561176        3.981243 -2.466198       -3.052360      -1.880037
## 3 2012-09-20 2.590927         2.119941        3.061914 -1.712055       -2.070765      -1.353344
##   K600.daily K600.daily.lower K600.daily.upper
## 1  31.06049          24.47002         37.65096         
## 2  33.23838          26.62470         39.85206         
## 3  28.71846          24.00835         33.42857         
## Predictions (3 dates):
##         date      GPP GPP.lower GPP.upper        ER  ER.lower  ER.upper msgs.pred
## 1 2012-09-18 2.814873  2.158410  3.471335 -2.113937 -2.647969 -1.579906                   
## 2 2012-09-19 3.271209  2.561176  3.981243 -2.466198 -3.052360 -1.880037                   
## 3 2012-09-20 2.590927  2.119941  3.061914 -1.712055 -2.070765 -1.353344

Here’s one where GPP is a saturating function of light. ER is still constant.

# the Saturator: GPP saturating with light, constant ER
mm_saturator <- 
  mm_name('mle', GPP_fun='satlight', ER_fun='constant') %>% 
  specs() %>%
## metab_model of type metab_mle 
## streamMetabolizer version 0.12.1 
## Specifications:
##   model_name        m_np_oi_tr_psrckm.nlm                                            
##   day_start         4                                                                
##   day_end           28                                                               
##   day_tests         full_day, even_timesteps, complete_data, pos_discharge, pos_depth
##   required_timestep NA                                                               
##   init.Pmax         10                                                               
##   init.alpha        1e-04                                                            
##   init.ER.daily     -10                                                              
##   init.K600.daily   10                                                               
## Fitting time: 2.39 secs elapsed
## Parameters (3 dates):
##         date       Pmax Pmax.lower Pmax.upper         alpha  alpha.lower  alpha.upper     ER.daily
## 1 2012-09-18  6.033048    5.715948   6.350149 0.0083268769  0.0078854764 0.0087682775 -1.93445254 
## 2 2012-09-19 10.592112  -16.037273  37.221497 0.0006762431  0.0004207099 0.0009317763 -0.05326281 
## 3 2012-09-20 -6.226684   -6.703563  -5.749805 0.0073752923  0.0068232607 0.0079273238 -1.67304539 
##   ER.daily.lower ER.daily.upper K600.daily K600.daily.lower K600.daily.upper
## 1     -2.0254532    -1.84345184  24.57065         23.556079         25.58523      W  
## 2     -0.1539228     0.04739719  12.91624          9.359051         16.47342      W  
## 3     -1.7893875    -1.55670326  24.40066         23.013037         25.78829         
## Fitting warnings:
##   1 date: iteration limit exceeded
##   1 date: last global step failed to locate a point lower than estimate. Either estimate is an approximate local minimum of the function or steptol is too small
## Predictions (3 dates):
##         date       GPP GPP.lower GPP.upper          ER   ER.lower    ER.upper msgs.pred
## 1 2012-09-18 2.4687694        NA        NA -1.93445254 -2.0254532 -1.84345184      W            
## 2 2012-09-19 0.3838757        NA        NA -0.05326281 -0.1539228  0.04739719      W            
## 3 2012-09-20 2.4077931        NA        NA -1.67304539 -1.7893875 -1.55670326

The Saturator produces fitting warnings, which are condensed to ‘w’ and a summary in the above print-out. They can be inspected in detail by looking directly at the fitted daily parameters:

get_params(mm_saturator) %>% select(date, warnings, errors)
##         date
## 1 2012-09-18
## 2 2012-09-19
## 3 2012-09-20
##                                                                                                                                                 warnings
## 1 last global step failed to locate a point lower than estimate. Either estimate is an approximate local minimum of the function or steptol is too small
## 2                                                                                                                               iteration limit exceeded
## 3                                                                                                                                                       
##   errors
## 1       
## 2       
## 3

Similary, you can inspect the warnings and errors that arise during prediction by pulling out the daily metabolism predictions (but there aren’t any, so those columns are empty):

predict_metab(mm_saturator) %>% select(date, warnings, errors)
##         date warnings errors
## 1 2012-09-18                
## 2 2012-09-19                
## 3 2012-09-20

You can predict and/or plot instantaneous DO values from the fitted daily parameters.

predict_DO(mm_saturator) %>% head
##         date          solar.time DO.obs   DO.sat depth temp.water light   DO.mod
## 1 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:05:58   8.41 9.083329  0.16       3.60     0 8.410000
## 2 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:20:58   8.42 9.093063  0.16       3.56     0 8.403197
## 3 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:35:58   8.42 9.105254  0.16       3.51     0 8.399110
## 4 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 04:50:58   8.43 9.112582  0.16       3.48     0 8.397120
## 5 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 05:05:58   8.45 9.127267  0.16       3.42     0 8.397068
## 6 2012-09-18 2012-09-18 05:20:58   8.46 9.137079  0.16       3.38     0 8.398825

Yep, that fitting warning on day 2 was meaningful! We can encourage the model toward a good fit by adjusting the initial values of Pmax and alpha from which the fitting function should explore likelihood space. There are two ways to do this - as date-specific values in data_daily, or as values that apply to every date in specs(). The two methods can even be combined.

mm_saturator2 <- 
  mm_name('mle', GPP_fun='satlight', ER_fun='constant') %>% 
  specs() %>%
  metab(dat, data_daily=select(get_params(mm_saturator), date, init.Pmax=Pmax, init.alpha=alpha))
##         date      Pmax       alpha  ER.daily K600.daily
## 1 2012-09-18  6.033048 0.1614450 0.008326878 0.0002252293 -1.934453  0.04636854   24.57065
## 2 2012-09-19  7.269965 0.2810085 0.009041367 0.0003329973 -2.239061  0.07721965   26.60997
## 3 2012-09-20 -6.226684 0.2437185 0.007375292 0.0002816281 -1.673045  0.05940581   24.40066
## warnings errors
## 1     0.5166937                
## 2     0.7961571                
## 3     0.7089138
mm_saturator3 <- 
  mm_name('mle', GPP_fun='satlight', ER_fun='constant') %>% 
  specs(init.Pmax=6.2, init.alpha=0.008) %>%
##         date     Pmax       alpha  ER.daily K600.daily
## 1 2012-09-18 6.033048 0.1614592 0.008326878 0.0002252284 -1.934452  0.04637106   24.57065
## 2 2012-09-19 7.270001 0.2806163 0.009041332 0.0003330178 -2.239060  0.07715527   26.61006
## 3 2012-09-20 6.226684 0.2451105 0.007375292 0.0002815623 -1.673045  0.05956607   24.40066
## 1     0.5167332
## 2     0.7952317
## 3     0.7120805
##                                                                                                                                                 warnings
## 1 last global step failed to locate a point lower than estimate. Either estimate is an approximate local minimum of the function or steptol is too small
## 2                                                                                                                                                       
## 3                                                                                                                                                       
##   errors
## 1       
## 2       
## 3
mm_saturator4 <- 
  mm_name('mle', GPP_fun='satlight', ER_fun='constant') %>% 
  specs(init.Pmax=6.2, init.alpha=0.008) %>%
  metab(dat, transmute(get_params(mm_saturator), date, init.Pmax=Pmax[1], init.alpha=alpha[1])[2,])
##         date     Pmax       alpha  ER.daily K600.daily
## 1 2012-09-18 6.033048 0.1614592 0.008326878 0.0002252284 -1.934452  0.04637106   24.57065
## 2 2012-09-19 7.270001 0.2806150 0.009041378 0.0003330192 -2.239069  0.07715562   26.61007
## 3 2012-09-20 6.226684 0.2451105 0.007375292 0.0002815623 -1.673045  0.05956607   24.40066
## 1     0.5167332
## 2     0.7952307
## 3     0.7120805
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    warnings
## 1 data_daily$init.Pmax==NA so using specs; data_daily$init.alpha==NA so using specs; last global step failed to locate a point lower than estimate. Either estimate is an approximate local minimum of the function or steptol is too small
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
## 3                                                                                                                                                         data_daily$init.Pmax==NA so using specs; data_daily$init.alpha==NA so using specs
##   errors
## 1       
## 2       
## 3

Despite the remaining warnings, DO predictions from the saturating GPP-light function do look better than from the classic model for this particular dataset.



See the full list of available functions for gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) in ?mm_name.