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metab_Kmodel predicts K (only) at daily timesteps and usually knows nothing about GPP or ER. So it's not possible to predict metabolism from this model. Try get_params() to retrieve the predicted values of K600.daily.


# S3 method for metab_Kmodel
  date_start = NA,
  date_end = NA,
  day_start = NA,
  day_end = NA,
  attach.units = deprecated(),
  use_saved = TRUE



A metabolism model, implementing the metab_model_interface, to use in predicting metabolism


Date or a class convertible with as.Date. The first date (inclusive) for which to report metabolism predictions. If NA, no filtering is done.


Date or a class convertible with as.Date. The last date (inclusive) for which to report metabolism predictions. If NA, no filtering is done.


start time (inclusive) of a day's data in number of hours from the midnight that begins the date. For example, day_start=-1.5 indicates that data describing 2006-06-26 begin at 2006-06-25 22:30, or at the first observation time that occurs after that time if day_start doesn't fall exactly on an observation time. For daily metabolism predictions, day_end - day_start should probably equal 24 so that each day's estimate is representative of a 24-hour period.


end time (exclusive) of a day's data in number of hours from the midnight that begins the date. For example, day_end=30 indicates that data describing 2006-06-26 end at the last observation time that occurs before 2006-06-27 06:00. For daily metabolism predictions, day_end - day_start should probably equal 24 so that each day's estimate is representative of a 24-hour period.


Other arguments passed to class-specific implementations of predict_metab


(deprecated, effectively FALSE in future) logical. Should units be attached to the output?


logical. Is it OK to use predictions that were saved with the model?