Plot the prior and/or posterior disitrubtions as implied by the hyperparameters in a specs list and/or the
parname = c("GPP_daily", "alpha", "Pmax", "ER_daily", "K600_daily",
"K600_daily_meanlog", "lnK600_lnQ_intercept", "lnK600_lnQ_slope", "K600_lnQ_nodes",
"K600_daily_sdlog", "K600_daily_sigma", "err_obs_iid_sigma", "err_proc_acor_phi",
"err_proc_acor_sigma", "err_proc_iid_sigma", "err_mult_GPP_sdlog"),
index = TRUE,
style = c("dygraphs", "ggplot2")
- dist_data
Either a specs list (for priors only) or a metab_model object (for both priors and posteriors).
- parname
character. the name of the parameter whose distribution[s] you wish to plot
- index
integer or logical. Applicable only if plotting posteriors, and useful only if the parname is for a parameter having multiple (e.g., daily) instances. In this case, the index selects the instance and corresponds to the row number in the data.frame element of
that contains the parameter, e.g.get_fit(metab_model)$daily
. The default, TRUE, selects and pools all instances of the parameter.- style
character indicating which graphics package to use
if (FALSE) {
# priors only
plot_distribs(specs('bayes', K600_daily_mu=30), 'K600_daily')
# posteriors, too
mm <- metab(specs(mm_name('bayes')), data=data_metab('1', res='30'))
plot_distribs(mm, 'GPP_daily', 1)
# with modifications
plot_distribs(mm, 'err_proc_iid_sigma') %>%
dygraphs::dyRangeSelector(dateWindow=c(-0.1,1.3)) %>%
dygraphs::dyAxis(name='y', valueRange=c(0,15))