Generates a new model of class metab_model (metab_model-class
model_class = "metab_model",
info = "user metadata goes here",
metab_daily = NULL,
fit = "generic metab_model class; no actual fit",
fitting_time = system.time({ }),
specs = list(),
data = mm_data(solar.time, DO.obs, DO.sat, depth, temp.water, light),
data_daily = mm_data(date, optional = "all"),
pkg_version = as.character(packageVersion("streamMetabolizer")),
- model_class
character name of a class inheriting from metab_model - the type of object to create
- info
User-supplied metadata of any form.
- metab_daily
a data.frame of daily metabolism estimates produced from the fit.
- fit
An internal representation of a fitted model.
- fitting_time
A proc_time object giving the time taken to fit the model.
- specs
A list of model specifications that were supplied to the fitting function.
- data
The data that were used to fit the model.
- data_daily
The data_daily that were used to fit the model. May be NULL.
- pkg_version
A string indicating the package version used to create this metab_model object. The default should almost always be appropriate.
- ...
other arguments passed to new() for this particular model_class
#> metab_model
#> User-supplied metadata:
#> [1] "user metadata goes here"
#> streamMetabolizer version 0.12.1
#> Specifications:
#> Fitting time: 0 secs elapsed
metab_model("metab_mle", fit=1:5, specs=list(length=5))
#> metab_model of type metab_mle
#> User-supplied metadata:
#> [1] "user metadata goes here"
#> streamMetabolizer version 0.12.1
#> Specifications:
#> length 5
#> Fitting time: 0 secs elapsed