Describe the requirements for an argument to metab()
#> [1] "specs(mm_name('night')) # see ?mm_name, ?mm_specs for more options"
#> colname class units need
#> 1 solar.time POSIXct,POSIXt required
#> 2 DO.obs numeric mgO2 L^-1 required
#> 3 DO.sat numeric mgO2 L^-1 required
#> 4 depth numeric m required
#> 5 temp.water numeric degC required
#> 6 light numeric umol m^-2 s^-1 required
#> 7 discharge numeric m^3 s^-1 optional
#> colname class units need
#> 1 date Date required
#> 2 K600.daily numeric d^-1 required
#> 3 K600.daily.lower numeric d^-1 optional
#> 4 K600.daily.upper numeric d^-1 optional
#> 5 discharge.daily numeric m^3 s^-1 optional
#> 6 velocity.daily numeric m s^-1 optional
#> [1] "info may be NULL, a list, or any other data you want to attach to the output of metab()"