Create a function to compute the negative log likelihood of a set of metabolism parameter values
Produces a function that can be given to nlm(). K600.daily may be passed to that function within the p vector (for fitting K600.daily) or as an additional argument (for fixing it).
par.names = environment(environment(calc_DO)$calc_dDOdt)$metab.needs,
err_obs_iid = FALSE,
err_proc_iid = FALSE
- calc_DO
a function as from
- par.names
vector of names of parameters that can be expected in calls to the function created by this one (the calc_NLL function)
- err_obs_iid
logical. Should IID observation error be included? If not, the model will be fit to the differences in successive DO measurements, rather than to the DO measurements themselves.
- err_proc_iid
logical. Should IID process error be included?
a function that will return a negative log likelihood of the data
given a set of is the first argument of the returned
function; its names are defined in par.names
data <- data_metab('1','30')[seq(1,48,by=2),]
dDOdt <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='trapezoid', GPP_fun='linlight',
ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod')
DO <- create_calc_DO(dDOdt)
NLL <- create_calc_NLL(DO, err_obs_iid=TRUE)
NLL(, ER.daily=-2, K600.daily=25))
#> [1] 1.60391
NLL(, ER.daily=-2, K600.daily=25), DO.mod.1=8)
#> [1] 3.86777
NLL(, ER.daily=-7, K600.daily=15))
#> [1] 52.37003
NLL2 <- create_calc_NLL(DO, par.names=c('GPP.daily','ER.daily'), err_obs_iid=TRUE)
NLL2(, ER.daily=-2), K600.daily=25)
#> [1] 1.60391
NLL3 <- create_calc_NLL(DO,
par.names=c('GPP.daily','ER.daily','K600.daily','DO.mod.1'), err_obs_iid=TRUE)
NLL3(, ER.daily=-2, K600.daily=25, DO.mod.1=9))
#> [1] 3.551421
nlm(NLL, p=c(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-2, K600.daily=25))
#> $minimum
#> [1] -8.833364
#> $estimate
#> [1] 2.829716 -2.121566 31.265547
#> $gradient
#> [1] -1.065293e-06 -6.522455e-07 3.630488e-08
#> $code
#> [1] 1
#> $iterations
#> [1] 21
nlm(NLL2, p=c(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-2), K600.daily=31.265)
#> $minimum
#> [1] -8.833364
#> $estimate
#> [1] 2.829662 -2.121524
#> $gradient
#> [1] 5.022103e-09 1.657858e-07
#> $code
#> [1] 1
#> $iterations
#> [1] 9
nlm(NLL3, p=c(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-2, K600.daily=25, DO.mod.1=9))
#> $minimum
#> [1] -8.837646
#> $estimate
#> [1] 2.824270 -2.118702 31.201832 8.424478
#> $gradient
#> [1] -3.410858e-06 2.419673e-06 5.526309e-07 9.568673e-07
#> $code
#> [1] 2
#> $iterations
#> [1] 22