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Assigns each value in vec a new, discrete value corresponding to a bin. This function provides one interface to the functions `base::cut`, `ggplot2::cut_interval`, and `ggplot2::cut_number`.


  method = c("bounds", "interval", "number", "width"),



the numeric vector whose values should be binned. log(discharge.daily) is a good candidate when using this function for pooling of K600 values.


a single character string indicating the automated bin selection method to use


other arguments (e.g. n, width) passed to the ggplot function corresponding to the value of cuts, if cuts is a character (otherwise ignored)


if method=='bounds', a numeric vector of bin boundaries


ln.disch <- log(rlnorm(100))

# for use in setting specs
brks <- calc_bins(ln.disch, 'width', width=0.8)$bounds
specs('b_Kb_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan', K600_lnQ_nodes_centers=brks)
#> Model specifications:
#>   model_name               b_Kb_oipi_tr_plrckm.stan                             
#>   engine                   stan                                                 
#>   split_dates              FALSE                                                
#>   keep_mcmcs               TRUE                                                 
#>   keep_mcmc_data           TRUE                                                 
#>   day_start                4                                                    
#>   day_end                  28                                                   
#>   day_tests                full_day, even_timesteps, complete_data, pos_disch...
#>   required_timestep        NA                                                   
#>   K600_lnQ_nodes_centers   -2.8000000001, -2, -1.2, -0.4, 0.4, 1.2, 2, 2.8000...
#>   GPP_daily_mu             3.1                                                  
#>   GPP_daily_lower          -Inf                                                 
#>   GPP_daily_sigma          6                                                    
#>   ER_daily_mu              -7.1                                                 
#>   ER_daily_upper           Inf                                                  
#>   ER_daily_sigma           7.1                                                  
#>   K600_lnQ_nodediffs_sdlog 0.5                                                  
#>   K600_lnQ_nodes_meanlog   2.484906649788, 2.484906649788, 2.484906649788, 2....
#>   K600_lnQ_nodes_sdlog     1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32       
#>   K600_daily_sigma_sigma   0.24                                                 
#>   err_obs_iid_sigma_scale  0.03                                                 
#>   err_proc_iid_sigma_scale 5                                                    
#>   params_in                GPP_daily_mu, GPP_daily_lower, GPP_daily_sigma, ER...
#>   params_out               GPP, ER, DO_R2, GPP_daily, ER_daily, K600_daily, K...
#>   n_chains                 4                                                    
#>   n_cores                  4                                                    
#>   burnin_steps             500                                                  
#>   saved_steps              500                                                  
#>   thin_steps               1                                                    
#>   verbose                  FALSE                                                

# variations

# by 'number' method
bins_num <- calc_bins(ln.disch, 'number', n=5)
df_num <- data.frame(t=1:length(ln.disch), vec=ln.disch, bin=bins_num$names[bins_num$vec])
#>  1  2  3  4  5 
#> 20 20 20 20 20 

# by 'interval' method
bins_int <- calc_bins(ln.disch, 'interval', n=5)
df_int <- data.frame(t=1:length(ln.disch), vec=ln.disch, bin=bins_int$names[bins_int$vec])
#>  1  2  3  4  5 
#> 12 22 38 20  8 

# by 'width' method
bins_wid <- calc_bins(ln.disch, 'width', width=0.2, boundary=0)
df_wid <- data.frame(t=1:length(ln.disch), vec=ln.disch, bin=bins_wid$names[bins_wid$vec])
#>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 
#>  1  3  2  2  4  1  6  7  5  7 10 10  6  7  4  8  4  3  2  1  5  1  1 

# choose your own arbitrary breaks
bins_arb <- calc_bins(ln.disch, bounds=seq(-4,4,by=1))
df_arb <- data.frame(t=1:length(ln.disch), vec=ln.disch, bin=bins_arb$names[bins_arb$vec])
#>  2  3  4  5  6  7 
#>  4 15 39 29 12  1 
if (FALSE) {
ggplot(df_num, aes(x=t, y=vec, color=bin)) + geom_point() + 
  geom_hline(['bounds']), aes(yintercept=bounds))
ggplot(df_int, aes(x=t, y=vec, color=bin)) + geom_point() +
  geom_hline(['bounds']), aes(yintercept=bounds))
ggplot(df_wid, aes(x=t, y=vec, color=bin)) + geom_point() +
  geom_hline(['bounds']), aes(yintercept=bounds))
ggplot(df_arb, aes(x=t, y=vec, color=bin)) + geom_point() +
  geom_hline(['bounds']), aes(yintercept=bounds))