Nguyễn Trường An, PhD
Phone: +33 662 04 98 13
I am a postdoc researcher with the interests in:
Water quality modelling in rivers and estuaries.
Eutrophication, greenhouse gases emissions and biogeochemical processes.
University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA, France)
Biogeochemical modeling in a tropical estuary and eutrophication management.
Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP, France)
Modeling nutrient dynamics in the Saigon River Estuary, Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT, Vietnam)
Antibiotic pollution in the Saigon River, Vietnam.
Institut Géosciences Environnement (IGE), Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
TROPECOS project, Past, Present, and Future Greenhouse gases of Tropical Estuaries
INRAE, l’Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement.
Studying the evolution of carbonate system at Loire River by using high resolution datasets.
After completing my doctoral contract, I applied for severeal postdoctoral positions in Europe.
11/2018 – 12/2021
Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE), France.
Water quality monitoring (nutrients, carbon, phytoplankton, greenhouse gases) and develop a biogeochemical model (1D reactive transport) for tropical estuaries.
Preparing and submitting applications for PhD programs in France. This time also included a brief period of vacation.
Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE), France.
Implementation of a nutrient dynamics model for the Saigon River using C language.
Young Investigator Project, HCMUT, Vietnam
Design of a pilot scale constructed wetland and analysis of water samples.
Asian Center for Water Research (CARE-RESCIF), Vietnam.
Water sampling and operation of ICP-OES analyzer, TOC-V.
Project: development of “passive sampling” for the analysis of antibiotics in river.
Sampling and pretreatment of samples for antibiotics measurement.
Extensive knowledge in Python, C & C++ languages for water quality modelling.
Data analysis and statistical analysis with Python and R on large datasets.
Mapping and spatial analysis with QGIS and ArcGIS.
Vietnamese (native)
English (proficient, level B2)
French (basic, level B1)
1. Caracciolo, R., Escher, B. I., Lai, F. Y., Nguyen, T. A., Le, T. M. T., Schlichting, R., Tröger, R., Némery, J., Wiberg, K., Nguyen, P. D., & Baduel, C. (2023). Impact of a megacity on the water quality of a tropical estuary assessed by a combination of chemical analysis and in-vitro bioassays. Science of The Total Environment, 877(February), 162525.
2. Garnier, J., Billen, G., G Laruelle, G., Le Gendre, R., Némery, J., Nguyen, A., Romero, E., Thieu, V., & Wei, X. (2023). Coastal marine system and estuary functioning is driven by the upstream river basin. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (p. B9780323907989000093). Elsevier.
3. Nguyen, A. T., Dao, T. S., Strady, E., Nguyen, T. T. N., Aimé, J., Gratiot, N., & Némery, J. (2022). Phytoplankton characterization in a tropical tidal river impacted by a megacity: The case of the Saigon River (Southern Vietnam). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(3), 4076–4092.
4. Nguyen, A. T., Némery, J., Gratiot, N., Dao, T. S., Le, T. T. M., Baduel, C., & Garnier, J. (2022). Does eutrophication enhance greenhouse gas emissions in urbanized tropical estuaries? Environmental Pollution, 303(September 2021).
5. Camenen, B., Gratiot, N., Cohard, J. A., Gard, F., Tran, V. Q., Nguyen, A. T., Dramais, G., van Emmerik, T., & Némery, J. (2021). Monitoring discharge in a tidal river using water level observations: Application to the Saigon River, Vietnam. Science of the Total Environment, 761, 143195.
6. Nguyen, A. T., Némery, J., Gratiot, N., Garnier, J., Dao, T. S., Thieu, V., & Laruelle, G. G. (2021). Biogeochemical functioning of an urbanized tropical estuary: Implementing the generic C-GEM (reactive transport) model. Science of the Total Environment, 784, 147261.
7. Nguyen, T. T. N., Némery, J., Gratiot, N., Garnier, J., Strady, E., Nguyen, D. P., Tran, V. Q., Nguyen, A. T., Cao, S. T., & Huynh, T. P. T. (2020). Nutrient budgets in the Saigon–Dongnai River basin: Past to future inputs from the developing Ho Chi Minh megacity (Vietnam). River Research and Applications, 36(6), 974–990.
8. Noncent, D., Strady, E., Némery, J., Thanh-Nho, N., Denis, H., Mourier, B., Babut, M., Nguyen, T. A., Nguyen, T. N. T., Marchand, C., Desmet, M., Tran, A. T., Aimé, J., Gratiot, N., Dinh, Q. T., & Nguyen, P. D. (2020). Sedimentological and geochemical data in bed sediments from a tropical river-estuary system impacted by a developing megacity, Ho Chi Minh City—Vietnam. Data in Brief, 31, 105938.
9. Nguyen, T. T. N., Némery, J., Gratiot, N., Garnier, J., Strady, E., Tran, V. Q., Nguyen, A. T., Nguyen, T. N. T., Golliet, C., & Aimé, J. (2019). Phosphorus adsorption/desorption processes in the tropical Saigon River estuary (Southern Vietnam) impacted by a megacity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 227(August), 106321.
10. Nguyen, T. T. N., Némery, J., Gratiot, N., Strady, E., Tran, V. Q., Nguyen, A. T., Aimé, J., & Peyne, A. (2019). Nutrient dynamics and eutrophication assessment in the tropical river system of Saigon – Dongnai (southern Vietnam). Science of the Total Environment, 653, 370–383.
11. Nguyen, T. A. (2018). Antibiotics And Pesticides In Water And Sediments From Intensive Shrimp Farms In Southern Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 54, 146.
12. Dinh, Q. T., Nguyen, T. A., Moreau-Guigon, E., Alliot, F., Teil, M. J., Blanchard, M., & Chevreuil, M. (2017). Trace-Level Determination of Oxolinic Acid and Flumequine in Soil, River Bed Sediment, and River Water Using Microwave-Assisted Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorimetric Detection. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 26(3), 247–258.
13. Nguyen, A. T., Le, T. M. T., Tran, V. Q., Truong, V. N., Nguyen, L. T., Nguyen, P. H. T., & Nguyen, T. H. T. (2017). Effect of oxygen states in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands on the removal of organic matter, nutrients, some metals and octylphenol. VNUHCM Journal of Science and Technology Development, 20(K9), Article K9.
14. Nguyen, T. A., Tam, L. T. M., Viet, T. Q., Viet, T. N., Luan, N. T., Minh, N. V., Trang, N. T. H., & Tuc, D. Q. (2017). Recommendation of optimal design and operation parameters for constructed wetland for sludge treatment based on the effect of hydraulic retention time, sludge loading rate and vegetation. VNUHCM Journal of Science and Technology Development, 20(K8), Article K8.
1.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2022). Spatial and temporal variation of greenhouse gas emissions in an urbanized tropical estuary (the Saigon River, Vietnam). ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, September 5-8, 2022, Kursaal, San Sebastian, Spain. Poster
2.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2022). Eutrophication management scenarios in the Saigon River by using C-GEM, an estuarine biogeochemical model. ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, September 5-8, 2022, Kursaal, San Sebastian, Spain. Poster
3.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2022). Impact of anthropogenic inputs on greenhouse gas emissions in the tropical Saigon River Estuary. International Symposium on Water Sustainability & Green Technologies, November 25-26, 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Poster
4.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2022). Modeling the seasonal nutrients dynamics and phytoplankton development in Saigon River Estuary, Vietnam. International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 4-8, 2022, Lyon, France. Poster
5.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2020). Modelling scenarios by C-GEM, an estuarine biogeochemical model. International Conference on Water, Megacities and Global Change, December 1-4, 2020, Paris (Web-Seminar), Vietnam. Oral
6.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2020). Evaluating estuarine responses to modification of nutrient loads from megacity by a generic reactive-transport model. International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, December 23-24, 2019, Lyon, France. Oral
7.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2019). Self‐purification capacity of a tropical estuary using a generic reactive-transport estuarine model. Green Technologies for Sustainable Water, December 1-5, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Poster
8.T.A. Nguyen, et al., (2019). Modelling nutrient dynamics in a tropical estuary under human pressure: case study of the Saigon tidal River (Southern Vietnam). International Conference on Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, April 25, 2019, Da Nang City, Vietnam. Oral
9.T.A. Nguyen., et al., (2016). Analysis of antibiotic and pesticide residues in shrimp farm waters using passive sampling. SETAC Asia/Pacific Conference, September 16-19, 2016, Singapore. Oral
IGE, Grenoble-INP, France.
Research Fellow.
IRD, IGE, Grenoble, France.
Senior researcher.
INRAe, Lyon, France.